Wednesday, August 19, 2009

50 Push Ups

So you folks are either a) crazy, b) have a lot of faith in our push-up abilities, or c) very, very cruel individuals.

If it's [a] then that's ok, we're a little crazy too.

If it's [b] then oh man we have a lot to live up to and hope we can meet your expectations and thanks for the vote of confidence?

If it's [c] then BAH!!!! Megs is starting out with 6 push-ups and someone's thinking that she's going to be able to do 50 by week's end. I hope you're doing 6 push-ups per hour Megan if you're going to reach fifty by Friday or do them on your knees!!!!!!!!! I love that nobody thinks that I can do fifty...seriously I do - I at least have that pressure off my flabby arms.

But seriously folks? Fifty? I mean Megs is pretty much the equivalent to Wonder Woman but starting off with six to fifty in one week?

God speed to you Megs.

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